Galante Lancman


“I have been photographing my tulips for many years. Some of the tulips are descended from the first generation planted, while other bulbs were added over the years. 

From micro to macro, the slightest first details that appear in early spring; once the furled leaves emerge, already revealing the traits of a very particular breed, the Parrot Tulip. 

Each individual tulip plant has its unique attributes and characteristics that unfold through the duration of its lifespan.

I spend lengthy leisurely hours trying to capture the flowers, as they rapidly transform throughout the day. 

They seem to have two lives. When I photograph the tulips, they appear through the eye of the camera metamorphosed, like landscapes, or expressive creatures that are looking back at me. I see them menacing, smirking, grinning, roaring.  From tiny bud to fully grown blossom, to the beauty that lies in the last withering stages. Finally, the yearly ritual of preparing the bulbs for next year, which is done with gratitude”.